Wednesday, December 26, 2007


This is St. John Evangelical Roman Catholic Church.
I went here for Christmas Eve Mass (and I'm not even Catholic!)
It is the most beautiful church I've ever seen.

Absolutely gorgeous!

Two observations about Catholic services:
1. They are big fans of recitation. A line or two I get, it was the 5 minute speeches that stunned me.
2. For Communion they offered wafers, but no wine or grape juice. "Excuse me, where's the blood of Christ?"

And if anyone is wondering, no, I didn't wear a dress, but, yes, I did don my pearls and heels!

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Am I the only one who reads this as "Travelin' Phoney"?

Saturday, December 01, 2007

And the Magic Continues. . .

Well, what do you know. . . the photos were found in some obscure computer file. Maybe I uploaded them in my sleep.

So here are some of my images from the Shaolin Warriors performance at Proctor's. It is one of those gorgeous old buildings that I love. (sigh)

I know it is difficult to see, but let me clue you in on the happenings in the last picture. The monk on the floor is laying upon a bed of nails. There is a slab of concrete across his stomach which they will bust into pieces with a sledgehammer in just a moment. Ouch!