Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Revenge is Best Served Cold

My roommate's mother's tomato plants aren't doing so well. The weather just hasn't cooperated where she lives. Our plants (or more acurately "my roommate's plants" as my help involves simply keeping my black thumb a safe distance from them) have been thriving. So two days ago she takes to gloating over the phone. Yesterday she even planned to take pictures of the glorious specimens to email to her mom.

So, naturally, yesterday we get a hail storm that almost wipes out all our plants and flowers. My car has cellulite it is so dimpled now!

Karma is a bitch.

Monday, June 16, 2008

New York Landlords are Liars

When I was searching for a place to live, I noticed that it was a coin toss as to whether or not a place would have central air. Some places sported window a/c units and others had nothing at all. When I expressed concern over this (because we all know how well I deal with the heat!), I was told it was unnecessary because it only gets hot here about 2 weeks in August.

Filthy Liars.

Due to the excessive heat and stuffiness in my house, I have taken to sleeping with the front door and kitchen window open hoping to catch a cross breeze. A few minutes ago, as I sat on the computer (out of sight of the door) checking email, I heard the screen door latch click shut. Now if there was any wind to speak of, I could chalk it up to that. But Noooooo, there's been nothing. So I was left with the horrifying idea that someone had silently entered the house. Frantically, looking around for something dangerous to threaten said intruder with, all I could muster was a freakin' stapler!

For crying out loud! My heart is beating 100 miles and hour and I am seriously thinking someone is in the house. Visions of "When a Stranger Calls Back" (damn movie!) are dancing through my brain and I'm peeking around the doorjamb armed with an office implement! Fully prepared to pull a Crocodile Dundee and bean my attacker in the head, I creep through the house, arm cocked and discover. . . nothing.

I'm not certain, but I think the NRA just revoked my membership.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Size Doesn't Matter. . . Really

I went strawberry picking today at a farm with some friends and it was quite fun. Seeing a farm that is not run by an agricultural corporation and the food it produces really shows you just how much they monkey with our food! What we buy in the supermarket has all been bred for size and color to make it look more appealing. We had to keep reminding ourselves that size did not matter, it was all about the color. Unfortunately, I don't even like strawberries, but they sure do look good!

The other stuff in the box is snap peas. I'm not a foodie and hate veggies, so to me they taste like grass.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Nine Holes, Please.

Ah, crap. . . the blog. Yes, it has been forever and in my usual procrastinator's style I will go back and make blog entries for the time I missed. Now that it is summer, I can effectively catch up. In my defense, I am also penning 3 other blogs (man, have I turned into a conputer nerd or what?) simultaneously. This, the original and most fun for me, was relegated to the back burner. Sorry, blog.

So here's the update: I can scratch Go-Carts off my list. The other night a few pals and I had dinner and drinks, then went to Fun Plex across the river. That evening also taught me the essential flaw of miniature golf: It is only fun for about 9 holes. After that you play through just to get it done. I am happy to report, however, that I was not the biggest loser of the evening. In fact, I came in second. :-p